Arbroath harbour
Part 1 can be found here.
Part 2 can be found here.
Part 3 can be found here.
Part 4 can be found here.
Part 5 can be found here.
Day 11
I woke, packed, and headed to the dining room for scrambled eggs and bacon. It had been a quiet night, but there were other in the breakfast room as well, so the hotel had at least a handful of guests.
I walked through Forfar, and noticed an old sign for McEwans beer on a pub.
A bit early for a beer though
The road heading south of Forfar was slightly busy, and I walked as far on the shoulder as I could. I also waved to drivers so they would see me. Thankfully, my revised route soon had me following a quiet back road. It was sunny, and I put on sunscreen and my hat.
10 miles to go
The road was undulating, and led past farmland. It was quiet, and at one intersection swallows banked and turned overhead. Inviting minor roads were passed, and I kept walking. Usually, I'd rest for 5 minutes after each 55 minute session of walking. I'd take my pack off, sit down, and have a snack and drink. I'd found that regular rests allowed me to stay fresh longer.
About a mile out of Arbroath, the rain returned. I donned my waterproofs once again, and pulled out the umbrella. The harbour, it emerged, was a little way through the town, but was eventually reached. And my coast-to-coast walk was complete.
Nearby was a fish store, and I bought an Arbroath smokie for my wife.
Arbroath smokies - smoked haddock - in the lower left of the window
I bought a snack, and then took the train to Montrose. There I walked to the Challenge Control at the Park Hotel to check out and have a cup of tea. Then it was a train to Stirling, and a drive home.
And now that the fatigue has faded, and my gear is dry and stored, my thoughts are starting to turn towards next year's route...
You can find my other challenge account here: The Great Outdoors Challenge: Shiel Bridge to Stonehaven
Tuesday Tangents: + My heart tells me to.
4 hours ago