108 days until the London Marathon.
This month has seen dark, wet days, as waves of low pressure have rolled over Scotland.
This morning, however, dawned brighter. This was perfect weather for a local "Boxing Day" handicap race.
Long-story-short: I felt good, and ran strong over the 13.5 k course. I was pleased to put a spurt on in the last 100 m and catch another runner.
My training is ticking over, though I haven't been following my place too closely. Rather, I've just been trying to get in miles when I can. One thing I think I will try to incorporate in this training cycle is mid-week longish runs. These seem to make me feel stronger on my Sunday long runs, which at times seem like slogs. Also, I've been trying to keep track of the amount of time I spend running each week. This is an underestimate of my workouts, as I also swim and play basketball occasionally, but it is still of interest. Last week, I came in around 3:21 for the week. (Yes, this is a bit light, but includes a 7-mile mid-week run, a 5k parkrun race, and a 9 mile long run in the woods. Also, it doesn't include 2 swims and 1.5 hrs of basketball.)
Another storm is coming tonight.
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